History of La Pedrera

There is no place in the world where stories and legends, whether based on real facts or not, fail to be part of popular imagery while their veracity remains in the background.

In addition to fantastic stories about big sharks, there are people at La Pedrera who have seen old local fishermen who had left the world of the living years before wandering about the streets of town and waving at neighbors who stared in amazement.

Others, instead, assert that during nights with a full moon, as they watched the sea from the small local pier, they spotted rare bright silhouettes swimming together and splitting up in a matter of seconds only to get together again, at an incredible speed.

These and other stories are passed on by neighbors and tourists from generation to generation. Visitors just need to listen to the old people in town to learn more stories and legends typical of this singular place.

A site where strolling about lets us realize there is a local magic, unlike any other on the beaches of this beautiful country called Uruguay.
